Well, what to say after all this time. I spend so much time on Facebook now in the evenings, and crafting during the day that real life is sometimes beginning to be a nuisance that gets in the way of everything I want to do, but feel guilty about doing - when I think about it, which isn't very often. Here is another reason for my absence - this old boy was attacked by a Japanese Akita (dunno how to spell it but its a huge fighting dog - super aggressive) and in hauling this creature off our lovely dog, my hubby was taken seriously ill - so now, hubby is better, dog is better, I can relax .......
I would also like to thank all of you lovely people who left kind comments, I don't often say so, but thank you so much, I really appreciate your thoughts - and I need your prayers too at the moment, just to make sure everything keeps on track xx
OH my gosh, Ed! That's so horrible that you hubby took ill after rescuing your lovely pup there - awful! I can't imagine the stress you've been under...sorry I'm such a bad friend and haven't checked in during your absence! Do forgive me. But your family is in my prayers! Glad they're better now. God bless...and I have missed you!
Oh Ed so sorry to hear about the lovely pup there. I had a dog die on me after an attack and I am so glad yours is ok. How awful that right after your hubby got ill. Glad to hear everything is starting on the up and up again and of course I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Big Hugs.
Oh that would have been a terrible experience. So glad to hear your hubby and dog are well. I hope you get to share some of your crafting with us. Great to hear from you.
So nice to hear from your side of the pond but sorry to hear that your dog was attacked and that hubby was ill. I'm glad that both are on the mend. I've thought of you often especially when I put my used postage stamps in their little baggie for you. I'm away on holiday right now but will be home the beginning of Sept. and will pop them in the mail. Stay well my firend.
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